So, for example, on my PC, to apply the code style, I need to press: Alt+4, then Up, then ENTER. Normally, I want to change to code from the normal style, which is right next to code in the style list. Editing the default styles will create incompatibility when importing the notebooks to a new account. Actually, there is a bit of luck here, because when the style list is opened, current style is automatically selected. Onenote isn't using an open/common file format either thus Microsoft has full flexibility on what to do with the content styles. Even the client apps for Onenote is resource heavy compared to the aforementioned. Doesnt expire - use OneNote for as long as you like. Store and share your notebooks on OneDrive with your free Microsoft account. That's why it can't be used as a simple note jotter like Google Keep, Apple Notes, Standard Notes, etc. Capture thoughts, ideas, and to-dos and sync them to all your devices. However, OneNote isn't any normal note-taking application. Normally the note-taking applications are having less customizability compared to a full-fledged word processor. Moreover, all the default heading styles are not even bolded. It destroys the conventional styling of a structured page when the whole page is just text. The reason I would like to have custom styles is that 'Heading 3' has a very light blue color and doesn't look prominent compared to the 'Normal' text just below it. It sure does look and act like one in every other way. It's not a desktop publishing program and it is not a word processor.